Adlega Blog:
What is CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score)?
Introduction In today’s competitive business landscape, having satisfied customers isn’t just nice to have – it’s essential for survival. Studies show that acquiring a new customer costs five times more than keeping an existing one, and satisfied customers are 3.5 times more likely to repurchase and 5 times more likely to recommend your business to…
Customer Effort Score (CES): Rating Customer Experience Ease
What Is Customer Effort Score (CES)? Customer Effort Score (CES) is a customer service metric that measures how much effort a customer had to expend to use your product or service, find information, resolve an issue, or have their needs met. It’s based on the principle that customers are more loyal to products and services…
Customer Satisfaction Metrics: Measuring Customer Happiness
What Are Customer Satisfaction Metrics? Customer satisfaction metrics are specialized measurement tools that help businesses understand how well they’re meeting their customers’ expectations. Think of these metrics as your business’s vital signs – just as a doctor checks your heart rate and blood pressure to assess your health, these metrics help you gauge the health…
What is Scalability in Business?
What Is Scalability in Business? Imagine a bakery that currently serves 100 customers daily. If that bakery is scalable, it can handle serving 1,000 customers without major problems or massive cost increases. That’s scalability – the ability of a business to grow bigger without breaking down or losing money. A scalable business can handle more…
What is Average Customer Life (ACV) in SaaS?
What is Average Customer Life (ACL) in SaaS? Think of Average Customer Life (ACL) like measuring how long customers typically stick around and keep using your software service. It’s basically asking: “Once someone becomes your customer, how many months or years do they usually stay?” Definition of Average Customer Life (ACL) Average Customer Life (ACL)…
Time to Value (TTV): An Easy-to-Understand Guide + FAQ
What is Time to Value (TTV) in Simple Words? Time to Value (TTV) refers to how long it takes a customer to start experiencing real benefits from a product or service after making a purchase. It’s essentially the journey from “I bought it” to “Wow, this is actually helping me!” Let’s use Netflix as a…
Net Promoter Score (NPS): An Easy-to-Understand Guide
What is Net Promoter Score (NPS)? Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a customer loyalty metric that shows how likely your customers are to recommend your business to others. Simply put, it’s like a customer satisfaction scorecard that can predict your business growth based on word-of-mouth advocacy. Who Created NPS? Fred Reichheld introduced NPS in 2003,…
Canned Responses: FAQ
What is a Canned Response? A canned response (also known as a templated response or saved reply) is a pre-written reply or message that you can use repeatedly to answer common questions or respond to recurring situations. How Canned Responses Work Imagine managing a customer service team. Instead of typing “Thank you for contacting us,…
Month over Month (MoM) Growth Rate
What is Month over Month (MoM) Growth Rate? Have you ever wondered how businesses track their progress from one month to the next? That’s where Month over Month (MoM) Growth Rate comes in. It’s a simple way to measure how much something grows or shrinks compared to the previous month. Definition Month over Month (MoM)…
Monthly Churn Rate
What’s Monthly Churn Rate? Remember playing with water in a bucket that had a small hole? Monthly Churn Rate (MCR) is like measuring how much water you’re losing each month. But instead of water, we’re talking about customers who wave goodbye to your product. The Formula for Monthly Churn Rate Here’s how to calculate it: Monthly…
Deferred Value
What is Deferred Value? Imagine you’re building an app. Right now, it has zero users and makes zero money. But you believe it has massive potential in the future. That’s deferred value. The “Instagram Effect” Remember Instagram? When Facebook bought it for $1 billion in 2012, it had: Zero revenue 13 employees Just an app…
Gross Churn Rate
What is Gross Churn Rate? Think of your customers like water in a bucket with a hole. Gross churn rate measures how much water you’re losing through that hole, regardless of how much new water you’re adding from the tap. The Basic Formula for Gross Churn Rate Gross Churn Rate = (Number of Lost Customers…
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